Thursday, November 8, 2007

Facebook's Ad Network

I was sitting at my desk when I came across an article concerning facebook's new viral ad network. The direction that social networks are taking advertising is incredible. Facebook's social network does something that has long been sought after in the world of advertising , it gives the consumer the feeling of belonging to a particular product , concept , or idea. When the causes appilcation was first released on the Facebook site i felt it was only a matter of time before the advertising industry cluttered Facebook . However, the partnership between the two is ingenius . Looking at the 2008 election campaign will show you that Facebook has had a impact that is almost unreal. Cannidates that would normally gain no attention are now in the spot light. Names like Ron Paul are on everyone's tounge's not because of a debate rather because of a social network. The concept of advertising has always been to get people to have a sense of belonging to a particular product or brand and then obviously to make them users of that product or brand . With Facebook now not only can they be a user in the brands community now they can be a part of a community focused on a brand . This is a concept that could revolutionize the way advertising agencies do business and also it stands to make Facebook an even larger juggernaut in the social network industry.

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