Thursday, December 6, 2007

Collaboration Software

I have spent sometime over the past months reviewing a somewhat new phenomena in the business world( well it goes back to the 90's but i guess you can consider that somewhat new)Collaboration software. Project Management/ Collaboration Software is integrating its way into corporate America. There are dozens of companies offering Collaboration Software to businesses of all sizes .

Project Management software improves communication along your companies structure. PM software is your "Online office" it allows all employees to share information ( such as files, task's ,e-mails ,etc.) . It allows a corporate team to remain informed on every step that a company is taking towards certain projects. It store's all of these files online so everything is safe, secure and backed up. PM software that integrates VoIP software is more effective.

PM software with VoIP technology integrated is ideal for most businesses. In a world where most employees are continually on the move your company will no longer have to suffer because of hectic schedules. With VoIP software integrated into PM Software you can arrange group conference calls , send out mass text messages to keep all member's of your team up to date with a projects progress ( Or to send out new task to your employees)

There are a few mistakes the businesses make when using this software. This is a tool to improve efficency in your office(this is not a replacement for project managers) . I have read many blogs with company's complaining how using software like this ruined there company. When man relies on machine to do his work for him it will always spell disaster. When using this software it essential that one remembers that just because there is software that makes employees collaboration on project's an easier task it does not mean that the project manager can now do nothing . This software makes a project managers job easier it does not eliminate the need for one .

I have seen great results in my company with using this software. If you have a good management structure in place these products will increase group effort as well as increase company efficency. The product that my company uses is excellent and i would recommend it to any one . It is called Communiclique, you can check it out for free if you want .